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Time for two

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Rafaela Drazic, Children’s book for two, 2011

Un livre pour deux. La contrainte d’une entente, d’une rencontre, d’une collaboration concernant l’une des plus intimes activités qui soient.
Peut être aussi un plan de travail et de jeu, un support d’échange et de partage du savoir.

Time – A book for Two # 3 par Rafaela Drazic, sur un texte du dĂ©licieux Bruno Munari, un livre-objet de lecture accompagnĂ©e qui veut prendre le temps de la dĂ©couverte et de l’expĂ©rimentation.

Rafaela Drazic, Children’s book for two, 2011

« A good book for children aged three to nine should have a very simple story and coloured images showing whole figures drawn with clarity and precision. Children are extraordinary observant, and often notice things that grownups do not.
The stories must be as simple as the child’s world is : an apple, a kitten, the sun, the moon, a leaf, an ant, water, fire, time. “That’s too difficult” – you say. “Time is an abstract thing”. Well, would you like to try ?
Read your child the following text and see if he/she doesn’t understand. Â»

Bruno Munari


