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Arseny Avraamov, Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923

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Graphic schematic of the installation of the sirens mounted into a steam locomotive, for the interpretation of the Symphony of Sirens (1922-23) by Arseny Avraamov. From Gorn magazine, Vol. 9, 1923.

Graphic schematic of the installation of the sirens mounted into a steam locomotive, for the interpretation of the Symphony of Sirens (1922-23) by Arseny Avraamov. From Gorn magazine, Vol. 9, 1923.

Arseny Avraamov, Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923 From René Fülöp-Miller, Geist und Gesicht des Bolschewismus, Vienna: Amalthea, 1926.

Arseny Avraamov, Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923
From René Fülöp-Miller, Geist und Gesicht des Bolschewismus, Vienna: Amalthea, 1926.

Arseny Avraamov, Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923 From René Fülöp-Miller, Geist und Gesicht des Bolschewismus, Vienna: Amalthea, 1926.

Arseny Avraamov, Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923
From René Fülöp-Miller, Geist und Gesicht des Bolschewismus, Vienna: Amalthea, 1926.

Arseny Avraamov, during Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923 from Andrey Smirnov, Sound in Z, 2013, p. 30

Arseny Avraamov, during Symphony of Sirens, Moscow, 1923
from Andrey Smirnov, Sound in Z, 2013, p. 30

Merci à Monoskop
Merci à Grégory