Speech is a yearly conference, held in Antwerp, which dusts of the format of the lively speech in order to trigger critical thinking about the contemporary situation of publishing, design,…
This year we raise our glasses to welcome Olivier Lebrun & Alex Balgiu (FR), Gregor Huber & Ivan Sterzinger (CH), Radek Sidun (CZ) & Jef Cuypers (BE) to talk about language & location, form and how these seem to influence one another.
Further we host a bookfair with bookdealers from across Europe.
Afterparty with Allon Kaye (UK) and KĂ©vin Bray (FR)
Hours and location:
4th of April 2015, Het Bos—Ankerrui 5-7, B-2000 Antwerp.
Fair opens at 10:00
Speeches start at 13:00
Afterparty at 20:00